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Westbrook Walnut Grove Schools

District 2898

New Student Registration

Online Forms

These forms are to be filled out one student per form. If you have multiple students you will fill out multiple times. 

New Student Registration (K-12) 

New Student Registration (Preschool Only)

Internet/Network Acceptable Use Policy

Student OTC Medication Form

Health Information Form

Medication Administration Consent Form


Once you have completed the new student registration process, you will receive an email with your parent username and password for your JMC parent portal access.  You will need to go to the 'Parents' tab on the school website and finalize your registration there by completing the Ethnic and Racial Demographic Designation, the Free/Reduced Meals Application, and the Digital Equity Questionnaire.  The directions for that process are as follows…

First page of the PDF file: JMCDirections
First page of the PDF file: 24-25Calendar